Saturday, November 29, 2008

Blog four

1.) Chapter NineTheme: Appearance vs. RealityQuotation: "With a little ingenuity and vision, he had made it all but impossible for anyone in the squadron to talk to him, which was just fine with everyone, he noticed, since no one wanted to talk to him anyway."

He really tried to change the way he thought, like there was another reason no one was talking to him ( which we all knew the reason why)

2.) Chapter TenTheme: Isanity as the Sane Choice of ActionQuotation: "There is no light. I don't feel like starting my generator. I used to get a kick out of saving people's lives. Now I wonder what the hell's the point, since they all have to die anyway."

He thought his intentios were good, like he was helping everyone but really he wasn't, so really all thoughts of helping was really a dream because he was just wasing alot of his time

3.) Chapter ElevenTheme: Hyperbolic PatriotismQuotation: "The important thing is to keep them pledging," he explained to his cohorts. "It doesn't matter whether they mean it or not."

He knows that them begging and pleding makes their be more reasurance that he has help and if they didnt mean what they said then they'll just sit their